
Wilderness is not a luxury but a necessity of the human spirit. – Edward Abbey

To travel is an essential element of life.  It doesn’t have to be epic, cross the world, hop around from luxury hotel to luxury hotel kind of travel.  To see new places, meet new people, learn about other cultures and experience things that you would never be exposed to at home – these are surefire ways to open your mind and live with intention.  We travel often – many, many weekends out of the year are spent in little adventures around the west coast, but we also love to see the world when we can get away from work for a bit.  Our most recent big international trip was to Patagonia, and one of our favorite activities while we were there was a fly fishing float trip down the Caleufu River in Argentina, near Bariloche (which I mentioned briefly here).  After months of anticipation, R.Swig has finally put together a Go Pro video of that part of our trip! Read more